Friday, August 27, 2010

hell to the yeah!

Text message conversations at 11pm, sitting at a really uncomfortable desk with really low lighting are almost always melancholy. Especially if they're about topics that make you sad with people that make you sad. I should turn off the lights and take the laptop into bed with Lucy and the darkness and a poster of Emile Hirsch in Into The Wild looking behind my quizzically, but I just redid my room today and my sheets are still in the dryer, so I have to wait a little bit. I really like the way I redid my room, although I probably would love any redone room, cuz it's really the change that I crave. Or craved. Well regardless, it's pretty snappy lookin'.

I'm going to make a room tour on Saturday for thesexymacaroni (my collab channel), because I was supposed to on Tuesday and didn't have a chance to record at my mom's house and I'll probably link it here in case anyone reading doesn't watch thesexymac or I want to see it later on a readback or something. I'm pretty excited. I'm also going to start a mini wall project (link is to my last, very long-running blog where I had this epic/epic fail wall project in summer 2009) surrounding my desk area. It's gonna be BEASTY. …remind me never to use that word again. Hehe.

Funny text conversation of the day:
"Randomly, from a friend: Go!
Me: Go? Go fish? Go green? Go vacationing in Guam?"
Is it boastful if the alleged funny part is on my end? *ponders*

Eek, I love how you guys liked that Cap'n Crunch snippet. I mean, I'd be lying if I said I hated it, it was kinda cute and weird. I like writing. I mean, obviously, if I didn't like writing, having this blog which is heavy on the attempted-well-constructed sentences would be pretty pointless. Eek! Your comments made me happy, as they always do. My favorite part of the morning is checking my blog folder in my email on my iPod.

You know what? Tomorrow I have to wake up at 9am, which is a hell of a lot earlier than 11:30am, which is when I woke up this morning and it was really hard to do, and yet I have just decided that I am NOT going to go to bed early. Just, seriously, I don't want to. It's fucking summer (pardon my french) and I have five nights left of being able to stay up late, and I don't care. I want to stay up late and read blogs and watch videos and talk to my friends and I can sleep in the car on the way to the DMV to get my temps renewed. Tiredness until I drink some tea will be worth it for just one more of these priceless nights. Can I get a hell yeah? (HELL yeah!)


  1. I'm going to give you a "hell yeah"!
    Summer sleep schedules are always fun but they are mega hard to break when school starts up again! I'm looking forward to your room tour! :)


    I'm feeling a little melancholy today, perhaps it's to do with my serious lack of enthusiasm about writing my essay, but I'm getting there slowly, but I also really need a hug :(


  3. did you redo the one at your dads or your moms? (i've forgotten which has the into the wild poster -which, as i think you know, is right behind my bed too!)

    i'm so excitd to see your video and your face. both on the net and in person (!!!). hahahah beasty. i love that word. i mean, not enough to use it, and i don't actually LOVE it, but i love it when people say it cuz it's fucking hilarious.

    thought that text you sent back was funny :D who cares if it's from you, we all know you're hysterical! :)

    you do have really well-constructed sentences. i think about that every time i read your writing, whether blog or fiction (not lately, though, ahem) or whatever..just sounds professional. not in a suit-and-cubicle way, but in a i've-been-doing-this-all-my-life-and-you-know-i'm-damned-good way. you know?

    so is the word "fucking" french? ;P

    <3 you!
