Monday, August 30, 2010

flannel lovin'.

I think I just realized why I always had a crush on Luke Danes from Gilmore Girls when I was growing up. It's because of the flannel! That is exactly the reason. I love flannel. Plaid. Any shirt along those lines. (Like this expensive hunk of amazingness, *foams at mouth*) I used to wear them a lot in 7th grade, but then this kid made fun of me and called me George Lucas, and I didn't want to be made fun of so I stopped wearing them. I shouldn't have, but I cared too much about what other people thought of me and this boy was outgoing when I was shy, so I stopped. Which makes me really mad at my past self, because I totally just remembered this green and pink and light blue soft one that I only got to wear one time outside of school before I swore against it, and I remember climbing a fence with it on with my best friend and feeling super boss. I just really regret that. But I'm bringin' it back, baby!

That is a picture of me last night at like 2am, posing for my friend Zach cuz I was telling him basically what I just told you guys, about my droolage over flannel and all that. I don't know what it is, they just really work for my body type and are comfortable and warm in the frigid Wisconsin winters and… *gush* I love me some flannel.

I adopted a word today. Nidifice. It means nest. I was on tumblr this morning (when I say this morning, I definitely mean 2am) and I think it was my friend Marina who reblogged the link from Liz to this website where you can "adopt" words in the English language that are dying words of sorts. It's pretty much the coolest thing ever. So, nidifice. Noun. It means nest. Owls, lizards, many different kinds of birdies, they all live or hang out in nidifices. Is that not the cutest word on the planet?

It's my official last night of summer. The last night I'll be able to stay up late and not feel guilty. Stay up and go on Tumblr and talk to my friends on Skype and take silly photobooth selfies and blog and watch ABC Family shows like Pretty Little Liars and The Secret Life (both guilty pleasures all the way) and make latenight snacks and all of that completely summer, confident in not worrying about fucked-up sleeping patterns kind of way, and I am really going to miss that. Going back to school certainly has its pros and I really feel like I'm ready but… I'm going to miss the nights. And I think I'll try and make this last one count, and try to go to bed earlier. It's 10:55pm and I'm already pretty tired, maybe I can be in bed by 12. Just to make sure getting up at 9 on Wednesday and then 6 on Thursday won't be too hard.

You know what I don’t get? Please, people who have had to get over someone before, enlighten me. How in the world is it that one day I’ll hardly think of him at all and am happy being with myself and my friends and then some days, like today, all of the wonderful times and wonderful smiles just keep popping into my head and haunting me? It’s terrible. Why today? Why was yesterday better? I just don’t get it. This is so frustrating.


  1. Flannel/plaid is something I've begun to admire recently. I wish I owned more of it.

    The getting over people thing is a mystery though, a painful, annoying yet survivable mystery.
    I really hope it gets better for you soon. :)

  2. As someone who is a serial dweller and has had several people to get over, I'd really like to be able to offer some sort of tangible advice. It seems however, in my case, one does not get better with experience.

    Generally I try to clutter my mind with other things, but I'm sure this does not prove very productive to ones well-being and I've found whenever I'm feeling melancholy or my brain pauses for a second the thoughts begin to seep back in.

    The only thing I can really recommend is trying to step back a little, and try and view your thoughts/feelings as an 3rd person observer. Don't tell yourself to not think of him, but let your thoughts come and go.

    Anyway pretty sure I sound like a tripped out Doctor Phil, so on that note don't listen to anything I've said.

    Hope all improves soon :)


    Mmmm flannel! It's so cute and cozy :3
    Wow, nest! MINT!

    M, the past is always going to be there, and I think it's better to look upon if fondly, but don't put it on a pedestal. It *was* good. Everything ahead of you is going to be glorious, I just know it.
