Thursday, September 2, 2010

1:36am. can't sleep. SHIZ.

This is what I don't understand: last night, when I got into bed around 10, reading and fell asleep around 11:30 or midnight without trouble, I got up eight hours later and it was fine and dandy. Tonight, when I get into bed around the same time but have to be up at six instead of nine, I can't seem to fall asleep for the life of me. It's now 1am and after tossing and turning for hours, I can't get to sleep. What is that? Nerves? The fact that my muscles weren't sore today and I didn't take a Tylenol PM before bed? I shouldn't have to. I didn't have any caffeine past like 10am. This is ridiculous, I really should take my friend's advice and see a doctor.

To make myself more tired, I just went outside and took a quick five-minute spin on my bike. At 1am, with no shoes on, wearing men's boxers and an oversize purple t-shirt. With wild bedhead. It was weird, it did make me more physically exhausted and I'm hoping with that and writing to make my brain exhausted, I can finally fall asleep, but it was just weird. Halfway through I basically started to panic because I had this awful realization that I wasn't safe in my bed anymore, I was out on the street, in the cold, in the dark, and it would take me longer than a minute to get home. For some reason that really freaked me out and I turned back. It was a strange experience, I just all of a sudden realized how weird it was to be biking at 1am on a school night, how different that is from the atmosphere of summer, and I just kind of internally flipped. Became super aware of every movement I was making. Eh. I don't know.

Today was my first day of school. Yesterday, I guess I mean. Wednesday. It was only noon to two, twelve minute classes, becuase freshmen had their orientation in the morning and all that. Tomorrow is the first real day, which involves waking up early and actually learning things. I'm going to have homework tomorrow. I like my classes enough, I have some with good friends and some with casual friends and one with someone I'm really glad to be seeing again, and it should be good. Plus, if all else fails, I can spend the day doing other homework in the easy classes, playing poker on my iPod, writing notes to my best friend, or just staring off into space wishing I was a giraffe or something.

Funny text message conversation of the day:
Ashley: how was hogwarts?
Me: Missed the train. :(
Ashley: Boo, same! i rode an ostrich to hogwarts
The most brilliant girl on the planet, ladies and gentlemen.

Folks, I am proud to say that my eyelids are drooping and I'm going to try and sleep now. A cold glass of water first and then hopefully, dreamland. You know, that's something I always said to my mom when I was younger, before I went to bed, "see ya in dreamland!" Maybe I'll see you guys in dreamland. ;)


  1. I think I can relate to your 1AM biking incident. Well not in the sense I've ever ridden a bike at 1AM in men's boxer shorts, more like there’s been times where I've felt completely safe before I've had a sudden feeling of discontentment and been like "whoa what am I doing here".

    Hope your first actual day of school goes well,
    :) Annabel.

  2. I only ever had sleeping problems the day before school started again or before something really important. Like, tomorrow I'm getting a train SO early in the morning and I know I won't sleep well enough, just know it. I hope your first days at not-Hogwarts was dandy!

    ALSO, being out in the dark alone is so scary to me. I really don't like it, even in an environment that I know well. I get this really strange feeling in my belly and even though my brain is rational and tells me I'm ok I cannot stop my body from reacting!


  3. Dude, I've always wanted to just get out of the house in the middle of the night but it really scares me! I think I'd feel so...vulnerable rather than free :z


  4. Omygosh, I finally found you! I thought someone might have kidnapped you or something!

    One time when I was younger I was riding my bike (which is pink and purple and says Sweet Misty on the sides) around the park in my neighborhood in my mom's giant sweater, some lady came up to me and thought that I was an orphan.

    Yeah..good story.

  5. LOL omg I remember that...that was like a week ago (: I haven't had time to check since then.

    scary :P

    I love going out on post-midnight bike rides. No matter what time of year, er, besides winter.

    I just read until I'm dead asleep. Or blast music if it's really bad. Or draw. (:
